Welcome to my blog! This is a grade A blog, I got 86/100 for my portfolio from theexam board OCR

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Week three : Edit Workshop (the draft of the encounter)

Hey everyone welcome to my blog, for today’s post I will be talking about this week’s year 12 A/S preliminary exercise “the encounter”. for this post I’m going to talk about the editing workshop with Chris during the media lesson and i will also be giving a short draft of my work.

As you see below there is a draft of the work which I produced during the two weeks of edit workshop, I have not fully completed the editing as there is a few issues with my footage and I don't want any of these issues  to be shown on  the footage. This footage is just a draft however I will be making a final one during the two session in the media lesson ,this will give me an advantage to perfect all the shots and editing. I think my first editing session went excellent and  also I enjoyed editing my work with Chris, there were not that many inconvenience that I faced during editing as I already knew how to use some of the software.The success of the footage was that I put the music in and all of the shots are in the right order, the issue of my footage is that sometimes the music will overlap the dialogue and also sometimes the footage does not flow so i will have to put in some transitions like cut. Fade or dissolve.but overall for the draft I did quite good to complete all my shot order and putting the music on to the footage. Below you could access my footage.

These are the shots which I included in the footage.

shot reverse shot 

I used the shot reverse shot for a conversation between the antagonist and the interviewer, this included the interviewer saying “where is Bella and her baby, tell me where is she, god damit it give me an answer", the shot goes back to the antagonist and she starts laughing and then the shot goes back to the interviewer and she looks really annoyed. This was quite easy to film as all of these shots were mid shots and the camera was placed in one place.As I was editing the shot reverse shot i realized that  the antagonist kept her head on the table so this  will be difficult to  get the rule of thirds into that shot as well, so i decided to crop the shot which therefore worked very well. 
rule of thirds

close up of the antagonist face worked really well for the rule of thirds, the editing was perfect for the rule of thirds also I really like how I edited the scene and how I made the music pace go faster

                                                                      180 degree rule

The 180 degree rule was the toughest at times as we didn't get the shot right. But after trying a few times we got there. Overall all we got four of these shots and they are the main ones to get a successful footage for our primarily task. When editing I did't have that many shots to work with so i had then to create extra shots so the rule will look perfect. During the next session i will include that footage on to the final one.
                                                                              match on action 

the match on action was very hard as we decided to put that at the beginning of the footage of the interviewer opening the door.The editing worked really well as well.

When creating the footage I used many different shots types so that the audience will not get bored. And also when editing I will have more footage to pick from and add on to.

   Overall the draft went really and I’m very excited to finish up the whole footage.

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